Avena Botanicals Rewards

We value you your loyalty as a member of our customer family! As a 'thank you,' we offer Avena Botanicals Rewards points to members of our website, www.avenabotanicals.com.

  • To sign up for our Avena Botanicals Rewards program, create an account on our website. You will automatically be enrolled in the Rewards program.
  • To see your Avena Botanicals Rewards points balance, login to our website. Click on the purple "Avena Botanicals Rewards" tab at the bottom of our website, then click on the "Account" tab at the top of the pop-up window.
  • To earn Avena Botanicals Rewards points, make a purchase on our website. You will earn one point for every dollar you spend on purchases, before shipping and taxes are applied, and after any discount codes you may enter are applied.
  • To redeem Avena Botanicals Rewards pointslogin to our website. Click on the purple "Avena Botanicals Rewards" tab at the bottom of our website, then click on the "Use Points" tab at the top of the pop-up window. If you have enough points to redeem a discount code reward, you will see a purple "Get Code" button that you can click on to receive your discount. After clicking on this, click the "Confirm" button. You may copy and paste your discount code into the discount code box when you checkout on your next online order, or you may click the "Apply to Checkout" button to have it automatically applied to your current shopping cart. Or, come back to redeem it later in "My Rewards." Note that Rewards discount codes may only be redeemed for one-time purchases, not product subscriptions.
  • To see the discount code for an Avena Botanicals Reward you have already redeemedlogin to our website. Click on the purple "Avena Botanicals Rewards" tab at the bottom of our website, then click on the "My Rewards" tab at the top of the pop-up window. You may copy and paste any discount code displayed here into the discount code box when you checkout on your next online order, or you may click an "Apply to Checkout" button to have it automatically applied to your current shopping cart. Note that Rewards discount codes may only be redeemed for one-time purchases, not product subscriptions.
  • To see what Avena Botanicals Rewards points have been applied to your previous orderslogin to our website. Click on the purple "Avena Botanicals Rewards" tab at the bottom of our website, then click on the "History" tab at the top of the pop-up window. Note that fully or partially refunded orders will deduct rewards points equal to the amount of dollars refunded (rounded up to the nearest whole dollar).
  • Can I redeem multiple Avena Botanicals Rewards discount codes at one time? Sorry, no, only one discount code per checkout can be applied. If your order subtotal is over $100 after you apply your discount code, and before shipping and taxes are added, you will still automatically be given the option to select Free Standard Shipping during checkout.
  • Can I use a Avena Botanicals Rewards discount code and still get free shipping? Yes, if your order subtotal is over $100 after you apply your discount code, and before shipping and taxes are added, you will still automatically be given the option to select Free Standard Shipping during checkout.
  • Can I use Avena Botanicals Rewards discount codes for a phone, email, or fax order? Sorry, our Avena Botanicals Rewards Program is only available to customers who order online at www.avenabotanicals.com.
  • Can I redeem Avena Botanicals Rewards discount codes for my product subscription purchases? No, Rewards discount codes may only be applied to one-time purchases.
  • I am a wholesale customer, can I participate in the Avena Botanicals Rewards program? Sorry, no, wholesale customers are not eligible for participation in this program.